Learning From Home: our pick of online resources
Jonathan Mella

Our Sixth Form offer holders are already looking ahead to September and asking us how they can begin to prepare. So our teaching staff put together a fantastic starter pack of online resources for each of our subject areas. Given that so many of us are keen to try out new things and develop new skills whilst in lockdown we wanted to share this more widely. So whether you’re a budding programmer trying to brush up on their Python or a future graphic designer looking to improve their Photoshop skills, we’ve got you covered.
Computer Science
If you’re looking for Computer Science resources, there are several apps you can use to pick up programming languages. Our teachers recommend SoloLearn which you can download for free on the App Store and Google Play. Also, several large companies and organisations offer online Computer Science courses, including: Amazon’s Python course; Computer Programming for Everyone by The Institute of Coding and University of Leeds; and Unity’s 3D game design course. Finally, YouTube has a great bank of accessible tutorials. Check out this Beginner’s Python course from Giraffe Academy or Crash Course’s Introduction to Computer Science playlist.
Graphics and Design
YouTube is also the place to look if you’re looking for Graphics and Digital Media materials. This fantastic beginners’ course covers a range of topics, including logo design, typography and branding. If you’re looking to familiarise yourself with the Adobe suite, take a look at these playlists covering Photoshop and Illustrator. Finally, the OU has created a course covering various design movements through history if you fancy learning some theory.
Maths, Business, and Psychology
There is also heaps of online content for our other A-Level subjects. If you want some Maths problems to tackle, NRICH and Project Euler are both great resources. For those with an interest in Business, Tutor2u has loads of high quality material on their website and Taking The Biz has plenty of great content on their YouTube channel. Finally, you could check out some podcasts covering the latest Psychological research, such as All in the Mind and Speaking of Psychology.
So if you're taking some time to learn a new coding language, to digitally create something, or just want to brush up on your maths skills, check out these resources and let us know how you found them. Tag us on Twitter: @adacollege and Instagram: @ada_college. #LearnFromHome
If you're struggling with your mental health, all students at Ada have access to Kooth: a free, anonymous, online support system. Use your Ada email to register here.