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Manchester CoderDojo finds a new place to call home at Ada!

Claire McDonald

Recently, we were delighted to welcome Manchester CoderDojo to their new home, Ada, the National College for Digital Skills at the Manchester campus.

Manchester CoderDojo is a volunteer-led community group for young people learning to code and make things.

They meet on the second Sunday of the month, during term time and have been meeting since 2012! Wow!

For their first event at a new venue, it was a really strong turn out. 30+ young coders and their parents were welcomed to our base at the Manchester Technology Centre, for 3 hours of curiosity and coding.

There were loads of different activities to keep busy minds engaged. Newbies started by completing Scratch tasks to create moving animations and then moved onto building simple games. There was a special version of Minecraft with Python coding, A Mouse you could program to move around a predetermined course, a 3D printer, printing fidget spinners or replacement parts, LEGO robots and much more!

Attendees were engaged and learning new things all the way through, with the age of the attendees ranging from 8 to 17 years old. 

The event was a massive success and we had loads of positive feedback from parents and attendees alike. We look forward to hosting their next meetup on Sunday 12th June 11am - 2pm.

Thank you to the organisers and volunteers who give up their time each month to support these curious young minds. If you are interested in volunteering for Manchester CoderDojo, you can reach out to the team and get involved. Volunteer or donate kit at Manchester CoderDojo. 

There are other CoderDojos you can support in Greater Manchester.


