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Black Lives Matter


Ada stands in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement.

We have a lot of listening, learning and growing to do to ensure we stand up and show up for all of our students and staff, all of the time. Fighting systematic racism, not only in the tech sector and education but in all aspects of society, requires ongoing action and reflection in every classroom, lecture hall, and board room. We are taking this time to ask ourselves uncomfortable questions and to figure out how we can best support BLM and fight racism.

While listening, reflecting and planning we intend to amplify Black voices right now; Ada's staff have compiled a list of useful resources, which will be continuously updated:


Tackling Racism in education

Talking to your children about race

How To Be A Good Ally

Racism in Tech



Free digital security training for Black Lives Matter activists with Glitch UK



If you can, try to buy these from independent booksellers:

  • "Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About Race" - Renni Eddo-Lodge
  • "So you want to talk about race" - Ijeoma Oluo
  • "The Good Immigrant" - Nikesh Shukla
  • "How to argue with a racist" - Adam Rutherford
  • "Hold Tight: Black Masculinity, Millennials and the Meaning of Grime" - Jeffrey Boakye





* Please be cautious of donating money through petition sites; often donations go to fund the sites themselves. Instead focus any donations to the below.




Mental Health Resources

  • All students at Ada have access to Kooth: a free, anonymous, online support system. Use your Ada email to register here.
  • YoungMinds
  • Mind


This is by no means an exhaustive list and we will continue to review and add relevant and useful resources.